Web App Development

Simple line chart with g.Raphael 0.5

gRaphael is a javascript charting library. Just like Ico.js it's based on Raphael.js, but it supports more chart types and is a bit nicer to work with.
Unfortunately, the documentation is very sparse and sometimes out of date. The homepage tells you to use paper.g.linechart, which will give you this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'linechart' of undefined
(paper is the Raphael object.) The current version of g.Raphael uses paper.linechart directly:
<script src="raphael-min.js">
<script src="g.raphael-min.js">
<script src="g.line-min.js">

<div id="container">
var paper = new Raphael(document.getElementById("container"));
paper.linechart(0, 0, 200, 200,
[1, 2, 3, 4],
[3, 2, 4, 2]

Adding axes

g.Raphael provides an axis option. It takes strings like "0 0 1 1", which will show axes at the top right bottom and left.
<script src="raphael-min.js">
<script src="g.raphael-min.js">
<script src="g.line-min.js">

<div id="container">
var paper = new Raphael(document.getElementById("container"));
paper.linechart(10, 0, 200, 200,
[1, 2, 3, 4],
[3, 2, 4, 2],
{axis: "0 0 1 1"}


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